Ever puzzled what it stands for?
Clan of Noxious Narcissists
Club of Nauseating Nonsense
Crapping Narcissistic Nobodies
Cowardly Nerdy Narcissism
Creating Non-existent News
Cut throat Nasty Nobodies
In their neo-gossip
mudslide of “breaking news”
self-serving, self-serving, self-serving
Blinded intellectuals with shaking knees
In disguised love with Donald
adored hero of theirs
The Champion Narcissist
The sole reason for their existence
manna for their empty sexless lives
Wolfing down hero’s every word
bad, bad, bad poisoning
now both ends of digestive system
in serious overdrive
Dream to reach
Topple the giant
bite at his heals
from safety of cameras
shoot in the dark, in the back
flood with conspiracy theories
on lame legs of polls
bask in borrowed glory of assassins
only to find your reflection in pieces
of the hero’s broken mirror.
Ever wonder how breaking
the breaking news would be
If you brought to light your nightmare,
If you revealed whom you serve,
who the feared paymaster is,
who holds you on strings,
whose songs you are choking on?
Why are you betraying your profession?
What makes you abandon people again?
For PEOPLE are your rightful master
for they need you to be their hero.
Can you wake up to the truth
for people, have spoken?
Do you still care? Deep down, maybe?!!?
Father, please forgive them
for they know not they are awakening the dragon,
the dragon of Armageddon.
H Bajramovic March 8th 2017